Sevenoaks English Setters

Vegas was a beautiful English Setter, a great show dog, who's heart was in the field hunting birds or curled up on the couch.

#1 English Setter in the United States in 1998

Multi All Breed Best In Show Winner

(English Setter Club of America Awards)
Winners Bitch Award, 1997
Bred-By-Exhibitor Bitch Award, 1997
English Setter of the Year Award, 1998
Rock Falls Colonel Award, 1998,
Candberra's Legend Award, 1998 Sporting Group Bitch Award, 1998
West Central Best Regional English Setter, 1998

(English Setter Specialty Show Wins & Placements)
Winners Bitch/Best of Winners English Setter Association of America National Specialty, 1997
Award of Merit, English Setter Association of America National Speciality, 1998
Award of Merit, English Setter Association of America National Speciality, 1999


Dual Am.Can.Ch. Set'rRidges Solid Gold CDX, MH, HDX, CGC


Am.Can.Ch.Fieldplay's Set;r Ridge Jhahil CD, JH Ch.Guys.nDolls Barrister Beau Ch.Seamrog Tyson of Palomar
Ch. Guys n Dolls Annie O'Brien
Am.Can.Ch. Windems Lotsa Dots Am.Can.Ch. Windems Sarad of Whitehouse
Ch. Kadons Flyiing High
Can.Ch.Bludawns Just Call Me Jenny Am.Can.Ch.Fantails Sunshine Man Am.Can.Bda.Ch. Marengohills Hello Sunshine
Am.Can.Bda. Ch. Fantails Snowboots
Am.Can.Ch. Bludawns Winter Sunstone Am.Can.Mex Ch.Gold Rush Gold Miner Blues
Can.Ch. Bludawns Autumn Gold

Am.Can.Ch. Set'r Ridge Windems Windsong

Am.Can.Ch.Fieldplay's Set;r Ridge Jhahil CD, JH Ch.Guys.nDolls Barrister Beau Ch.Seamrog Tyson of Palomar
Ch. Guys n Dolls Annie O'Brien
Am.Can.Ch. Windems Lotsa Dots Am.Can.Ch. Windems Sarad of Whitehouse
Ch. Kadons Flyiing High
Am.Ch. Fieldplays Fleur de Rotercat Am.Can.Ch. Windems Sarad of Whitehouse Am.Can.Ch. Clario Major of Meadowset
Patience of Whitehouse
Ch. Windems Lots More Dots Am.Can.Ch.Brickton Reau's High tide
Am.Can.Ch. Windems Lotsa Dots





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